Friday, June 03, 2005

Leuven Fantasy

Leuven Fantasy
Originally uploaded by randubnick.

Today, Mel is at a conference in Leuven, a place I have never visited, although this is Mel's second trip. This morning, I was looking through images of Mel's first trip there several years ago, images that were familiar because I recently loaded them into the computer and edited them. When I found the image of this amazing building, I decided to do a collaborative piece using one of Mel's photos. (Don't worry: the photographer has given me permission, carte blanche.) I edited the image to eliminate some problem areas and cropped it to improve the composition. The spires were almost invisible, so I used Painter IX's digital watercolor to add some very pale color to the sky, and added a touch of lilac to the spires and the roofline on the left. The building looks like something out of a fairytale, but I call this a fantasy because it is digitally modified, and because it lets me use my imagination to travel to a place that I have never really been.

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