Thursday, September 14, 2006

Basket of Apples as of September 14

Basket of Apples as of September 14
Originally uploaded by randubnick.

I went back to Red Brick this morning to work on this still life. Apples don't last forever! I meant to stay for just an hour, but I was there a bit longer. First, I worked on the basket, checking and correcting the position of the elipses, and then added detail and some color. I also adjusted the position of two apples to improve the composition. I decided to use the studio's brick wall for the background and sketched in the pattern of the bricks, and then started to add some color. It was so much fun working on the background that I lost track of the time. It was a cloudy today, but when the sun came out for a few minutes, I noticed some interesting patterns in the shadow cast by the basket. It was hard to stop drawing today, but I can go back tomorrow morning. . .

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