Sunday, November 01, 2009

Daylight Worth Saving

Daylight Worth Saving
Originally uploaded by

I have always found daylight savings time confusing. "What time is it REALLY?" I ask. And all that bother changing the clocks! But I do enjoy the "extra daylight"? ("But how is it extra?" I ask.) Never mind! What I like best about the time change is that suddenly having more or less light available as I go through the routines of the day makes me really look! Today's late afternoon walk was in a familiar neighborhood, but the timing was different and so was the sky. The colors were amazing, so I took some pictures. I wanted to capture the autumn leaves against the pastel sky. When I was taking the pictures, I planned to just crop out the houses, but the composition was much better when I didn't crop them out. Instead I opened the photo in Painter, and used a little digital pastel to change a few details. Then I used the "lasso" selection tool so that I could posterize each of the houses, one at a time. This changed the colors and amount of visible detail in the houses, but left the sky and trees just as they were in the original photo. Well, this might sound like too much bother, but I am happy with the result. This daylight was definitely worth saving.

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