Sunday, December 12, 2010

Memory of Halibut Point (Pen and Ink Sketch)

Memory of Halibut Point (Pen and Ink Sketch)
Originally uploaded by

Tonight I drew this pen and ink sketch, loosely inspired by the image I posted here yesterday, a photo that I took recently at Halibut Point, up near Rockport, MA. I was thinking about that photograph, but I wasn't looking at it. This is a drawing from memory, rather than observation. It is interesting to see what is the same and what is different, what I remembered of the photo and what I remembered from seeing the landscape. I used a Sharpie to draw in a sketchbook, and was just getting some drawing practice. I concentrated on creating texture with pen and ink. Some of these are textures that I learned to create back in high school art class with Mr. Corty (at Pueblo Central). Practicing these textures with pen and ink was tedious for a teenager, especially because we had to use quill pen and real ink, too. But it was a very useful exercise, too.

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