Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Colorado Sketchbook To Vail (Black and White Version)

I have been making a series of drawings based on an old pocket sketchbook (5 x 8 inches) that I took with me on a trip to Colorado in the mid-1980s. From the passenger's side of the car, I made quick sketches of the mountains flying by. Sometimes I wrote the location in the corner. I have been scanning and duplicating these sketches, tracing them into a new sketchbook (same size) and then drawing into them with dry media. Today I started a new one. This one says "To Vail."It was actually done in blue pencil, but tonight I used iPhoto to turn it into black and white. (I want to have a series for the original sketches as well. Maybe I will post the blue and white version as well.) Now I need to trace this into my new sketchbook with graphite paper. Then I can start drawing into it with marker, colored pencil, and conte crayon.

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