Sunday, October 05, 2014

A Few Red Leaves (Digitally Modified Photo)

A lot of people come from far away to visit Massachusetts and drive through the state to see the fall colors. But all I have to do is walk around the block. I love red leaves and they have arrived earlier than usual this year, probably due to cool overnight temperatures. Recently I have been admiring some beautiful trees that I see as I drive home from the grocery store, and I have been tempted to stop the car and take pictures, but it always seems impractical. There is always a car right behind me, I am usually in a hurry, and besides, this is one block away from my house. But today after I got home, I took a walk instead, and took 30 pictures of some beautiful leaves just a block away from home. This is one of the best of pictures, but I got the photo into the computer, I could see that some of the leaves were torn, so I did a little bit of repair with Painter's digital pastel. Then I did a little light posterizing and cropped the image to get this composition.

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