Friday, January 17, 2020

Inspired by Hofmann (Abstraction Exercise)

A few weeks ago, we finally went to see the Hans Hofmann exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum.  The exhibit included several art activities, one of which was a table with materials to create an abstract image using pieces of plastic on a board. Of course I didn't pass up the opportunity and although the works were temporary, I took a picture of mine.  (Posted here on January 4.)  To avoid cast shadows, the piece had to be photographed vertical, but because there was no adhesive, the pieces slipped out of place as I was taking the photo.  I have been meaning to go back and correct that digitally (because Hans Hofmann is worth it)  and today was finally the day.  Tonight I opened the photo in Painter and used a grid, digital pastel, and cut-and-paste to straighten out and align the shapes.  When I was done, I decided to also add some posterizing and woodcut effect.  So here's my little homage to Hans Hofmann.

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