Saturday, March 07, 2020

Flatirons at Dawn (Digitally Modified Photo)

One of my strongest memories of Colorado is looking out the window in the morning and watching the Flatirons turn pink. In the 1970s, we lived in married student housing south of campus; we had two very young children and I was often up before the sun. I want to turn that memory into a painting for my upcoming show, but I don't have a photo of that. So today I created this image instead. I started with a photo that I took during a recent trip to Colorado, a picture of the Flatirons seen from campus, somewhere south of the Engineering school, not too far from married student housing.  Although the vantage point was right in my 2018 photo, some campus buildings in the foreground were in the way. So today I opened the image in Painter, cropped the mountains from the background, and drew into it the image with digital pastel, obscuring the foreground and completing the shapes of those mountains.  Then I played with the color to suggest a bit of the pink I remember.  Now this is ready to use as a starting point for my next painting. 

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