Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Rosa (Pencil Sketch on Cardboard), April 12, 2023

I have started applying gesso (primer) to the wooden codfish form that I am decorating for this year's Codfish Auction.* But before applying the next coat of gesso, today I traced the wooden form onto a big piece of cardboard so I could lay out the design. This year, my fish will be decorated with "beach roses" on lattice. Since "rosa rugosa" is the scientific name for the roses that grow near the beaches around here, I have named my codfish Rosa. Today, while the gesso was drying on the wooden form,  I spent an hour with cardboard pattern, pencil, ruler, and eraser to lay out the placement of the lattice. Here is how it looks so far.
*(Some 50 artists decorate a wooden codfish form; the decorated codfish are auctioned to benefit Marblehead Festival of Arts). 

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