Friday, June 28, 2024

The Whirlpool (Moby Dick Project) as of June 23, 2024

This is my current project as it looked on June 23rd, 2024.  I managed to get a rough version of my idea drawn on to the canvas with pencil and conte crayon.  This is  for an upcoming show at Porter Mill on the theme of Herman Melville's novel Moby DIck. I am painting a representation of the whirlpool at the end of the novel, superimposed with the text of the last long sentence of the final chapter, describing the disappearance of the Pequod. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Red Leaves in the Woods (Oil Bar Painting) has a new home!

This is my oil bar painting of the trails around Long Hill Gardens in Beverly, MA, painted  from a photo that I took there.  It was fun to paint this and I enjoyed seeing it in my studio.  I recently mailed it off to its new owners n New York, and it has arrived safely.  

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chess Game (Reposting for Father’s Day)

This is a double portrait that I painting back in the 1990s of my father playing chess with my cousin David.  This is based on a black and white photo David sent me, taken by his father, Ike Fitterman.  I am posting it again in honor of Father's Day. 


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pink Apples on a Branch (at Beverly Art Fest Show 2024)

This is the second of two of my paintings currently on display at the Beverly Art Fest 2024 show.  I took this picture at the opening. Both of my paintings are based on photos that I took at Longhill Gardens here in Beverly, MA. The show is in the fine arts building on the Endicott campus, and will be open until early August.  This is part of my "Branches" series, paintings based on closeup views of nature.  This is oil bar, 8 x 10 inches.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Branch with Golden Berries (at Beverly Art Fest Show 2024)

This is the first of two paintings of mine currently on display at the Beverly Art Fest 2024 show.  I took a picture at the opening on the Endicott College Campus. This is oil bar, 8 x 10.  The show will be up till August 2nd.  

Friday, June 07, 2024

Sketch for "The Whirlpool" (Moby Dick project)

Today I sketched out my idea for an upcoming show at Porter Mill on the theme of Herman Melville's Moby DIck.  This is an idea for a collage, using the geometry of a whirlpool and Melville's long sentence describing the disappearance of the Pequod.  The idea for the whirlpool came first.  I was going to use a different quote, but then I found this one, and it fits perfectly.  It describes the whirlpool, and is also long enough to go round and round and end with the disappearance of the ship.  

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

"Lacy" at Reception for Cod Auction

I took this picture of Lacy last week at the reception for the annual Cod Auction, held in Marblehead at Abbott Hall.  It was fun to see all of the decorated wooden codfish (and also whales) on display together.  (It is a rare treat to see them like this. After the reception, each one goes to a different business in downtown Marblehead, to be on display until the auction is over.) Anyway, the auction is now "live".  If you want to help Lacy find a good home, follow the link:

Sunday, June 02, 2024

"Spring at Kelleher Pond" at "Colors of Beverly"

This is the second of my paintings recently on display in "Colors of Beverly", a show at the Beverly Historical Society.  I thought it was a great theme. I finally got to see the show last Thursday, at the closing reception.  I painted this from a photo that I took during a walk to Kelleher Pond.  This is acylic and oil bar, 20 x 20 inches.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

"Red Leaves in the Woods" at "Colors of Beverly"

This painting is based on a photo that I took at Long Hill Gardens here in Beverly.  I am reposting it because it is is one of two oil bar paintings that was included in the recent show "Colors of Beverly" at the Beverly Historical Society.  I finally got to see the show at the closing reception on Thursday.