Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Source for Painting of House

Source for Painting of House
Originally uploaded by randubnick.

This photograph was the source for the painting I mailed off to my friends yesterday. This photo is just as it was e-mailed to me, except that tonight I cropped the edges to square up the image and adjusted the contrast so the photo would show up better on the screen. I like the placement of the house in this photo and the patterns of the fence and porch railing. I used the composition for the painting, but moved a few trees that were blocking the view of the house. I relied on other photographs, mostly recent ones, for information about areas that aren't visible in this photo. I also used other photos to understand the structure of the rear part of the house, which is covered with vines in this photo. So my painting was a collaboration with the unknown photographer who took this picture, as well as with my friends who e-mailed other photos, old and new, drew diagrams, described colors, and even mailed me a piece of the brick so I could match the color.

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