Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunrise Fantasy Zakim Bridge

Sunrise Fantasy Zakim Bridge
Originally uploaded by

During a very early ride into Boston this morning, I caught a glimpse of the sun rising behind the Zakim Bridge. It was absolutely gorgeous!  But for once, I didn't have my camera with me. I suppose I could have used my cell phone cam, but it was buried in my bag. Anyway, even though I was in the passenger seat, I was on the wrong side of the car to get a good shot.  But the image stayed with me.  Much later, on the way home, I had an idea of how to try to recreate the feeling of that amazing sunrise.  So tonight, I found a picture of the Zakim Bridge that I took back on February 9th, in full daylight.  I opened the February 9th photo in Painter, then used the "magic wand" tool to add color overlays between the "strings" of the bridge.  Then I posterized it.  I won't pretend that this is even close to the beauty of the sunrise I saw today. This isn't meant to be a literal reproduction of that sunrise, but I think it captures the hope and optimism that moment provided as I glimpsed natural and technological beauty coming together.

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