Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gone Fishin' (Posterized)

Gone Fishin' (Posterized)
Originally uploaded by randubnick

This image is a piece of digital art based on a rescued snapshot. The original snapshot was crooked, so I started by straightening and cropping the image.  Then I opened it in Painter, and posterized it. I also used color overlays and the "magic wand" tool to colorize the image. I found this image among some family photos. The fisherman standing up in the boat is my dad as a young man.  I don't know where or when the photo was taken.  But based on other photos, I am guessing it is around the time he was in the army, either shortly before he left to go overseas, or soon after he returned.  At the time this was taken, he probably wasn't my father yet, although he soon would be. But this photo brings back memories of going fishing with my dad and my uncle at Lake Isabel, back home in Colorado.  Once in a while, my cousin and I got to tag along. I was always too squirmy a kid to be interested in the actual fishing part of the trip, but I remember that I certainly was interested in the worms and minnows.  My cousin and I each had little fishing poles, and I remember that my dad and uncle were trying to teach us to cast. Well, I don't believe I ever caught a thing.  But even after all these years, I still remember the excitement of going on an adventure with my dad.  That's why I thought this would be a nice image for Father's Day, so here it is.

1 comment:

Minka said...

Nice picture! I did not know my uncle was a fisherman. Love, Mindy