Sunday, April 04, 2010

Wedding Day (Colorized and Posterized Photo)

Wedding Day (Colorized and Posterized Photo)
Originally uploaded by

This image began with an old family photo, a picture taken of my parents on their wedding day, April 4, 1943. My father was stationed in Pueblo, and met my mother at a USO dance on the base. They were married a few months later, before he left to go overseas. Last night I used iPhoto to do some basic editing (cleaning up stray marks, straightening, and cropping). Then I opened the image in Painter. I colorized the image with a combination of color overlay and digital pastel, and then posterized it. I invented the colors (have no idea if my mother wore pink that day). What I was after was the feeling I get when I look at these old photos: familiar images, modified by the softness of memory, the patina of time.

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