Saturday, April 09, 2011

Still Amazed (Oil Bar Painting Day 8)

Still Amazed (Oil Bar Painting Day 8
Originally uploaded by

Today I worked on this oil bar painting. I am using a photograph that I took last summer as inspiration and reference. (The photo is posted here on March 28.) Today I kept going with issues of placement and perspective, and again worked mostly on the lower part of the painting. I started by turning the painting on its head, like yesterday, to compare some of the shapes with those in the photo (also turned upside-down). I made a few corrections to some of the shapes to correct the perspective. Then I turned the canvas (and photo) right-sight up again and started to work on the water. I went to the printout of the reference photo and drew some pencil lines on top of it, tracing the angle of the waves on the water's surface, to better understand where the lines went and how things connect. Then I used my big old T-square and a brush to lightly paint similar lines in the foreground of the canvas, to set up an analogous spatial relationship. With that structure in place, I drew in more lines to begin to suggest the surface of the water. I had to stop at that point, but I am beginning to feel like I am getting somewhere with this.

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