Monday, April 11, 2011

Still Amazed (Oil Bar Painting Day 9)

Still Amazed (Oil Bar Painting Day 9)
Originally uploaded by

Here is the oil bar painting I have been working on, as it looked when I finished painting for today. (I am using a photo that I took last August as a reference for this painting, a view of the setting sun from Obear Park, here in Beverly, MA. The photo was posted on March 28.) This afternoon, I was still not happy with the way the light rays above the cloud formation were lining up with their reflections in the water. This time, I turned the canvas (and the reference photo) sideways, and looked hard. Then I used a brush and my T-square to correct the placement, making some adjustments in sky and water. Then I returned the canvas back to its upright position, and worked a little bit on the sky, but mostly worked on the water in the foreground, added marks to suggest gentle waves on the water's surface. Then I worked on the land mass, using shades of dark blue and purple. I used some brush strokes to suggest buildings on the shore. And then it was time to stop for today. Although there are small changes still to be made, I think this is getting pretty close to finished. Good thing, to, because I plan to use this image to publicize my art show (coming right up in May), and I need to e-mail a digital image of this painting later on in the week.

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