Thursday, August 04, 2011

Looking for Beans

Looking for Beans by randubnick
Looking for Beans, a photo by randubnick on Flickr.

Today was the day for the weekly pick-up at our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) over at the Food Project at Long Hill Garden. Most of the vegetables are in bins under a small tent, but sometimes there are things to pick in the field. Today I picked cherry tomatoes and some string beans. There weren't too many beans left by the time I got there, so I had to look hard to find them. Later, after dinner, I decided to draw a little pen and ink sketch of what I had seen, so I grabbed a sketch book and a sharpie. This drawing is the result. After I finished the drawing, I decided to look for images of bean plants on line, and so discovered that although I thought I was looking hard, I wasn't looking hard enough. I was wrong about the shape of the leaves. But I like the little drawing anyway, so here it is. I also used Painter to create a "digital woodcut" version and plan to post it tomorrow.

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