Saturday, May 19, 2012

Closeup of Definitely Pink, Possibly Honeysuckle (Posterized)

Yesterday's post was a photo of some flowers that I saw at Green Meadows Farm in South Hamilton, MA. I am not sure if they are honeysuckle, but they have a similar shape. Well, I liked the image that I posted yesterday, but realized that the focus was uneven. (One advantage of posting my images here is that I sometimes see them differently once I have posted them. That might sound like a disadvantage -- and sometimes it feels like a disadvantage-- but if you pay attention and use the new insight to make improvements, it is decidedly an advantage.) So tonight I used iPhoto to create a closer crop of the same photo. Then I used Painter to create this posterized version of it.

1 comment:

Randa Dubnick said...

One of my cousins just told me that this flower is called Abelia. Once I had the name, I searched for the image in Google, and it's a match.