Saturday, August 04, 2012

Leaves in Black and White

Leaves in Black and White by randubnick
Leaves in Black and White, a photo by randubnick on Flickr.

This morning I was admiring some leaves that I saw growing at the side of a path. I really liked the shape of the leaves and the pattern that they made on the branches. I was in a hurry and didn't take a picture. And I don't know what kind of tree it was. But this afternoon, I decided to try to sketch the leaves, so I grabbed a Sharpie and a sketchbook and started to draw based on what I remembered. This composition is my second attempt, ink on paper. Of course, by the time I realized I was using a dark blue Sharpie instead of black, I had drawn too much and didn't want to start over. But when I got the image into my computer, I used iPhoto to transform it into black and white. Then I opened the image in Painter 12, and cleaned up a few mistakes with digital pastel. (I have been doing pen and ink drawing since high school, and what I wouldn't have given back then to be able to correct my mistakes with a computer before I turned in my work!) Finally, I applied Painter's woodcut effect just to make the lines show up a little better.

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