Monday, December 10, 2012

Many Quick Menorahs

Many Quick Menorahs by randubnick
Many Quick Menorahs, a photo by randubnick on Flickr.
Tonight I used Painter 12 to "capture" a pattern, using the image I posted here yesterday. (That image was my digital drawing of a menorah with a blue border. I drew the menorah using the Brushes app on my iPhone, then used Painter 12 to add the border.) All of my Chanukah patterns have disappeared from my pattern library in Painter 12, which seems to happen any time I upgrade my software. That isn't a big problem because it is easy to recreate the patterns as long as I have the original images stored in iPhoto, and you bet I do. But it is always more fun to make something new, and besides, I was curious to see how this image would look as a pattern. I like the result. Maybe I can use this to wrapping packages (small ones), or maybe this will end up as a tie on Zazzle.

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