Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Heart with Pattern

Heart with Pattern by randubnick
Heart with Pattern, a photo by randubnick on Flickr.
Tonight I decided to use mirror mode in Painter, so that whatever you draw on one side of the digital canvas is replicated on the other side (like kaleidoscope mode but with just two sections). I thought it might be a big help to draw hearts. I decided to try it because it will be February before you know it, and I have been thinking about making some Valentines for Zazzle. It took me lots of attempts to get a heart shape that I liked. Then I used Painter's pattern pen, and selected one of the patterns that I made (in kaleidoscope mode). After I had the strokes where I wanted them, I turned off "mirror mode" and did some posterizing and color overlays till I had the effect that I wanted. Then I cropped the image to get this composition. I also "captured" this image as a pattern, and will plan to post it here tomorrow.

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