Thursday, January 02, 2014

Back to the Mountains (Acrylic Water Media as of Dec. 23, 2013)

Even though my oil bar painting wasn't finished, last week I put it aside for a few days so I would have time to work in acrylics (used as water media, on paper). I was asked to display one of my mountain paintings at Gallatea Gallery in January, but time was short! The work needed to be dropped off by the 27th, but there was a size restriction and my existing mountain acrylic paintings were too big. (This is for a small display of landscapes in the 'Artist's Alcove'.) So I decided to create a few mountain paintings over the course of a few days, and then frame the best one and deliver it to Galatea Gallery by the 27th. So this first of this set of mountain paintings, as it looked on December 23. I decided to call it "Back to the Mountains."

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