Monday, February 16, 2015

Tree and Hillside (Oil Bar Painting as of February 16, 2015)

Here is my oil bar painting as it looked after I finished my painting session this morning.  I am painting a scene at Appleton Farms (in Ipswich, MA), working from photos that I took there in late October. (My reference photos are posted on this site, January 2nd and 3rd).  Today I started by looking at my photos on the computer, so I could zoom in and study the lights and darks in the foliage. This was a good idea and it really helped. The area beyond the fence is in sunlight, but the area up to to the fence is in shade. (I am starting to put the shadows in.) So the part of the tree closest to the picture plane will be in shadow, including the foliage as well as the tree trunk. I put that idea into practice by applying areas of shadow for foliage of some branches that reach toward the picture plane. When it was almost time to stop for the day,  I realized that I hadn't made those shadows consistent with which branches cross "in front" of other branches, and therefore read as closer.  I started to work on that, but was running out of time.  But at least I think I am on the right track.

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