Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father and Daughter (Digital Woodcut)

Yesterday I was looking through old family photos to find a picture of my dad. I found a great set of pictures taken at my first birthday party. The photographer was my uncle, Ike Fitterman.* I liked a photo of my dad holding me up on the table. But part of the photo had been torn and the top was faded, so I decided to see what I could do with it. I cleaned up up a bit with basic photo software in my mac, and then got to work in Painter. The original version was sepia; I posterized it and tones of pink, yellow, and light green began to appear. I used color overlays and drawing in with digital pastel to add more of those colors. And then I added some woodcut effect. I like the result, and even more than that, I enjoy the process. Working on a photo of my dad for a few hours is a way of spending a little time with him. You can see in this photo that he has only been a father for a short time. But you can tell that he is already good at it.

*Ike Fitterman was a professional photographer, DBA Jay Phillips Studio in Pueblo, Colorado.

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