Friday, January 13, 2017

Portrait of Us (Painting as of Jan. 13, 2017)

This morning I worked on this project, a double portrait that I am painting.  I am working from a vacation photo that shows this couple in Greece on a motor bike, wearing helmets and sunglasses.  Last month,  I drew a pencil sketch to get to know the faces. (The sketch  is posted here Dec. 14,  2016).  When I was ready to start this painting, I used the pencil sketch and some graphite paper to help me mark placement of objects on the canvas.  From there, I did a little more drawing on the canvas in pencil, just so I could see the lines.  Then I switched to paint.  I am using thin layers of acrylic paint, and so far, only white and  brown paint  (burnt umber), just to identify light an dark areas. I will add more color later.  Today I started by correcting some things that I knew I wanted to fix. Some changes had to do with facial features, but I did make adjustments to the size and shape of the man's helmet.  Although I am always working towards a likeness, I am still trying to concentrate on whether or not things are in the right place. Today I used a ruler to measuring relative distances in the photo and to compare measurements on the  canvas. 

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