Monday, August 28, 2017

Dad in Printer's Apron (1938)

This is a rescued family photo of my dad. Today would have been my dad's birthday (August 28, 1918) so I was looking for pictures of him this morning.  I found this image in a collection of old photos given to me by my Aunt Celia shortly after my father died.  This one says "1938" on the back, so he was 20 years old.  I remember him saying that he had a job in a printing company, setting type I think.  I suspect that this photo might have been a "selfie" taken with a button held in his hand.  Why?  I have other photos taken around the same time that also look like self-portraits, and in this image, he is looking down (at the camera perhaps?) instead of at someone taking the picture.  I don't know if I am right, but I do like the idea. (He was a very talented musician,  but I think he liked photography and later liked to take home movies.)  Anyway. The original snapshot had a corner missing, a bit of a crease, and a lot of tiny marks and blemishes, all of which I was able to fix in iPhoto.  I really liked the original composition, so I didn't change much, just cropped it a bit.  I also used Painter to create a posterized version of this image, which I plan to post here tomorrow.

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