Thursday, October 19, 2017

Another Heart Shaped Box (As of October 19, 2017)

Today I went to Porter Mill Studios to work on this project for a while. This is a candy box (Turtles) that I am covering with collage and decoupage patterns created from printed metallic ribbon.  It is slow going, kind of like a meditation, but also a bit maddening, like a jigsaw puzzle in slow motion.  I am currently working on the underside of the box, which I am covering in pieces of brown ribbon with purple, pink, and green floral accents. And I am also currently worried that I will run short of brown ribbon.  I have already done a lot of work on the top of the box, also pictured, which has orange and purple stripes and will have a gold border when it is finished.  I call this project "Another Heart Shaped Box" because it is not the first.  If you want to see where this is headed, follow this link to my first such project:

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