Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Lanham's Purple (at Long Hill)

Another image from last week's walk at Long Hill Gardens, here in Beverly, MA. I saw a plant with beautiful purple clusters of berries or maybe blossoms, I wasn't sure. But I liked the way it looked, so I took a picture.  Some of the trees at Long Hill have identifying labels, and indeed there was a tag on this one but it was under some foliage, hard to get to, and hard to read. Even though I took a quick picture of the label, I still couldn't make it out for sure, even when I enlarged it on the computer.  But tonight I managed to identify this on Google, and then when I looked at the tag again, it made sense.  This is called 'Lanham's Purple," and the Latin name is Rhus copallinum, and a kind of sumac. Mystery solved and it is good to know its name.  Tonight I edited the original image to get this composition.

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