Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Above Breckenridge (Photo Reference for Painting)

I am going to paint one more mountain landscape for my upcoming show, "Colorado Memories", paintings inspired by family snapshots from trips to Rocky Mountains in my home state.  Yesterday I found a quick photo that I took during our most recent trip to Colorado, June of 2018. We were traveling with old friends; we were two couples, each celebrating 50 years of marriage. When we got to Breckenridge, I took a photo in the public parking lot, while rushing to catch up with the others. The resulting snapshot was crooked, and featured a row of cars and some buildings in the foreground, but still I had managed to capture those snow-capped mountains in the background. Although we did spend a lovely hour or so exploring the downtown, two of the four of us were not feeling great, so our time in Breckenridge was cut short and we headed back early to our Denver hotel.  I was sorry not to spend more time in Breckenridge, but as my friend Sandra says, "That's life, isn't it?"  Yesterday, when I found my disappointing Breckenridge photo, I decided to reclaim it.  I used iPhoto to do straighten and crop it,  and got rid of the parking lot.  Then I used Painter to crop it even more, and to create quiet hillsides over residential Breckenridge with digital pastel.  Now I have a photo reference for my next painting.

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