Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Waldo Canyon Wildfire (Digitally Modified Photo): Painting Reference

I am getting ready to paint for a special exhibit with a "Heroes and Villains" theme. I am going to paint the Waldo Canyon wildfire near Colorado Springs, which hit pretty close to home. The Waldo Canyon fire, which killed several people and destroyed many homes and lots of forest, was started by human activity but it was brought under control by firefighters (villains and heroes). Back in the summer of 2016, I was visiting Colorado Springs and on the way to Garden of the Gods, my friends drove past these foothills, still scarred by the Waldo Canyon Fire which took place in 2012.  Of course, I took some pictures. A few weeks ago, on December 9th, I cropped the original photo and effects to emphasize thee burnt trees, and posted the image here. I also asked my friends for more information about the wildfire, and they send me some articles and images. Since then, life happened and this project came to a standstill. But now this project is now back on track. Today I finished preparing my photo reference. I opened the December 9th photo in Painter, and beginning with the original shapes of the clouds,  I used digital pastel and posterizing effect  to add colors to suggest fire and smoke (and of course that red sun.) Tomorrow I plan to start the painting.

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