Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Rio Rita, Brazilian Bacalhau

Over the past few days, I have been working on this project, a decorated wooden codfish that will be part of the annual Codfish Auction, to benefit Marblehead Festival of Art.  I have made a few minor changes to the pattern, fixed tiny air bubbles and cracks, painted the back and sides with silver acrylic paint, and today, attached the hanging hardware.  I put Rita up on my wall just to make sure she would hang correctly.  And then I took this picture, which shows how she looks as a 3-D object.  The folks in Marblehead will probably take her "official photo" for the website, but this is a pretty good representation of how she looks.  I will be taking Rita to Marblehead soon, and I will miss her. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love her!! What a beautiful piece.