Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Rosa (Codfish Project) as of April 19, 2023

Here is Rosa, my decorated wooden codfish, as she looks tonight.  I am doing this for the annual Cod Auction, to benefit Marblehead Festival of Art. Some 50 area artists are given codfish cutouts to decorate; they are displayed in Marblehead and then auctioned off online to benefit Marblehead Festival of Art.  I named my fish Rosa because I am decorating her with lattice and "beach roses", also known as "rosa rugosa".  Tonight I started outlining the design with Sharpie pens. As I added the ink, I made changes, mostly simplifying the leaves so that everything would fit. You can see some of what I changed  because a lot of the pencil marks remain, but they will be covered up as I add paint. (The white background is just primer.)  I am already quite fond of Rosa, and I hope she will find a good home. . .

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