Saturday, November 11, 2023

Hy on Boat June 43 (Prisma filter added)

I originally posted this photo in 2018. Yesterday I added the Prisma app's "Oleander" filter.  From my 2018 post: “…This image began as a snapshot that I found in my mother's album. Sometimes there are notes on the pages or on the backs of the photos. This one is marked with the date on the back but the handwritten caption under the photo says: "Hy on Boat Trip Across June 43". So this is his trip across the Atlantic as a young soldier. The photographer must have been a fellow soldier. my dad is recognizable because of that smile. This picture was going to my mother. I know he was afraid for his life because years later he told me so when he was facing surgery for lung cancer. My father was a very peaceful man; fighting was just not in his nature. But he left his parents, sisters and brothers, and new wife and traveled far from home to do his bit to defeat the Nazis and stand up to tyranny. I think about that a lot lately and try to follow his example.”

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