Monday, May 13, 2024

Sketch for "Lacy" (Codfish Project) as of April 17, 2024

For the past several years, I have participated in the "Cod Auction," to benefit Marblehead Festival of Art.  Some 50 area artists decorate wooden cutouts of codfish, which are displayed in downtown Marblehead, and then auctioned off. This year,  I was inspired by the look of seafoam as rows of gentle ocean waves reach the shore.  So I decided to replace the markings of the fish with rows of lace (and so I decided to name my fish "Lacy". My original idea was to use collage with actual lace, or from doilies.  But a few  quick tries helped me decide to just paint the lace.  Why? Designing a pattern for a fish is complicated because the pattern needs to become become larger and wider to follow the shape of the fish. It is easier to do this with drawing rather than pasting pieces of lace).  Anyway, on April 17th, I traced my wooden codfish on a big sheet of paper, and sketched out the pattern.  To be continued. . . .

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