Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pikes Peak in September (Painting as of August 25, 2024)

Here is my newest painting as it looked at the end of the day on August 25th.  It went through a lot of changes that day. On the preceding day,  I had realized that I was uncertain about the placement of the sun.  I usually know exactly where I want that sun; it is a kind of triangulation.  So I took this as a sign that I wasn't happy with the composition.  I thought maybe I needed something on the right-hand side to balance the road and sun on the left.  So I decided to try painting in a tree in the foreground which is actually in my reference photo.  But I quickly decided that I didn't like it.  So goodbye to the tree.  Instead I painted in some green vegetation on the right.  And suddenly the composition was better, and I knew exactly where I wanted that sun to be. To be continued. . . .

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