Sunday, August 04, 2024

Taking a Chance on Flowers (Drawing)

I have been trying out my new Sharpie Creative Markers, and this is the third is a series of flower drawings I have done recently. My goal was to do at least three drawings as a way of getting to know these new markers. It was a lot of fun and I may do more. When I am drawing lines, these markers behave prettty much like the standard Sharpies, but filling in areas of color is different, smoother and easier. I started this drawing yesterday or the day before, but finally finished it today. Although I just wrote that it is finished, I think it might need a little bit of digital cleanup.  I decided to see if I could use the white pen as a color, not just as a way to fix mistakes, and I was happy with the result. I started this a day or two ago, but finally finished it today, although this one is going to need a little digital cleanup. 

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