Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cups and Saucers (Alice in Wonderland project) Sketch as of Sept. 14, 2024

Not so long ago, I was posting about painting for the "Moby Dick" themed art show at Porter Mill Studios here in Beverly, MA.  I recently received an email saying that the response to this show had been so positive that there will be another themed show, this time based on Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.  As soon as I heard that, I said yes! and this idea came to me almost immediately:  Cups and saucers for the Mad Hatter's tea party, stacked up in a cupboard, with a quotation written along the horizontal lines of the shelf.  I drew this VERY rough sketch right away, 9" x 9' on drawing paper. The cups and saucers are both too rough and too complicated (and were simplified in a later drawing) but my main goal at this point was to figure out a general composition and make sure that the quotation would fit.  Here is the quotation:  ""Take some more tea,' the March Hare said to Alice very earnestly,'  'I've had nothing yet,' Alice replied in an offended tone, 'so I can't take more.' 'You mean you can't take less,' said the Hatter.  'It's very easy to take more than nothing.'"

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