Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mill and River at Night (Posterized Photo)

Mill and River at Night (Posterized Photo) Originally uploaded by randubnick

On January 8th, I took my seven oil bar paintings of the mill and river up to Manchester, New Hampshire, so they could be hung for display. All of those paintings were based on or inspired by photos that I took of Manchester this fall. After I saw the layout of the paintings in the space, I decided to also display the photos, in another part of the space. So the next day I got to work on printing and framing the photos. As I was working on that, I realized that all but one of the photos were posterized. The one that was not was the night view of the mill and river (posted here on October 1). I decided to see how it would look posterized, so I opened the image up in Painter IX. This is the result. I like both versions, but I think the posterized photo works better with the other photos, so I decided to use it. Now it is up in Manchester, with the other photos.

1 comment:

Minka said...

I really like this one a lot. If there were a commercial venture in the mill area, maybe you could sell it to them to use on a poster for some event or promotion.