Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Winter Sunset (Digital Woodcut)

Winter Sunset (Digital Woodcut)
Originally uploaded by

Today I was transferring old photo files from my PC into iPhoto. In the process, I found a photo of a winter sunset that I took back in 2002. It was taken at a family gathering in Huntington, Long Island. (I remember Chanukah candles, so I think it was in early December.) The sunset was beautiful, but the photograph didn't do it justice. (I was using a disposable camera.) Once I had the photos developed, I was disappointed. The colors of the sky near the horizon were vibrant, but the rest of the image was black. So tonight I decided to see what I could do with the photo. I used iPhoto to try to lighten it up, then transferred the image to Painter and created a digital woodcut from the image. I used some color overlays and posterized the result. Then I did some cropping to get this image.

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