Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Woods in Durham, NH (Oil Bar Painting Day 8)

Woods in Durham, NH (Oil Bar Painting Day 8)
Originally uploaded by

I have been making small adjustments in this painting. On January 9 (which was Day 8), I finally had a chance to change the color of the sky. I used my brand new white oil bar (just arrived by mail order) to mix up a pale blue. I wanted to make sure there were no traces of yellow paint. Then I applied a thin layer of blue as a glaze to get the green tones out of the sky. I used my hand instead of a brush. (I wear gloves when I paint with oil bars because I am likely to put my hands right on the canvas, especially to make small changes. And I try to remember to keep those gloves on, no matter how involved I get in the painting. It doesn't always work, but I try.)

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