Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Six Apples

Six Apples
Originally uploaded by

Yesterday I was getting ready to make Charoset for Passover. (Recipe follows). I washed six apples and put them on the cutting board. I was about to cut them up for the food processor, but realized I was admiring the way they looked, so I stopped to take a picture. In the photo you can tell that the apples are still wet. Tonight I cropped the image and here it is. About Charoset: it is a food used for Passover Seder, but it is delicious so I make a lot. There are lots of ways to make it, but I make it Ashkenazi style (Eastern European): six apples, about a cup of slivered almonds, in food processor to chop. Add a tablespoon of cinnamon, and about 1/4 cup of grape juice to sweeten. You can add a little sugar (or other sweetener) or a little Manischewitz if you like. Sometimes I add a tablespoon of wine to the grape juice to give it a richer taste.

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