Thursday, July 01, 2010

Pink and Ivory Rose (Posterized)

Pink and Ivory Rose (Posterized)
Originally uploaded by

I was running errands yesterday when I came face to face with some roses, tall bushes planted in front of a little diner here in Beverly, so I stopped to take a picture or two. When I got the original photo into my computer, I decided that although the image of the rose needed no help from me, there were a few problems with the background. I had captured a plate glass window in the background, and the reflections of three wires were visible in the window. So I opened the image in Painter and used a digital airbrush to cover up the wires. While I was at it, I fixed some distracting marks on the leaves. Then I decided to simplify the window frame down to one simple vertical shape, so it looks more like a post rail than a metal window frame. Then I posterized the image, just a little bit.

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