Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pink Sky Pink Ocean (Oil Bar Painting Day 5)

Pink Sky Pink Ocean (Oil Bar Painting Day 5)
Originally uploaded by

This is an oil bar painting in progress. I didn't get a chance to work on it until after dinner, which isn't the best circumstance. But I was eager to work on it, so I did. I am working from a photograph that I took at Lynch Park, here in Beverly, MA. The sun was setting in the west, but it turned the eastern sky pink, and the water reflected the colors. I am now at the point of being able to work more closely from the photograph, using it as a reference for the the colors and shapes. The values and colors are so similar in this photo that it is hard to see what is going on. So earlier in the day, I created a version of the photo that is posterized at a high level, which simplifies shapes and colors. (I will post that too, maybe tomorrow or the next day). Despite working in artificial light, I felt like I was making progress tonight. So I also photographed it tonight (again, not ideal), but here it is. The low light makes it look at little darker than in the daytime.

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