Saturday, June 15, 2013

Winter's Drive at Sunset (Oil Bar Painting)

Yesterday I worked on this oil bar painting, a view of a winter sunset. I used one of my photos as a reference (posted here June 10, 2013). The main thing that I did yesterday was to correct the perspective of the road, widening it at one end (measuring against the proportions in the reference photo). I also straightened out some of the lines, and then added a bit more pale yellow to the sky. And then it was finished, just in time too, because I was worried that it wouldn't dry enough to be hung at open studios today. This morning (June 15), it was just about dry enough, just a little bit "sticky". I had to be very carefully attaching the wire in the back, and transported the painting on a board to make sure I didn't touch it, and actually got it up on the wall without any problems.

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