Thursday, February 20, 2014

Another Heart Shaped Box as of February 20, 2014

Late this afternoon, I went to Porter Mill Studios and worked for a while on this project. I am covering this heart-shaped candy box with collaged designs made from pieces of printed metallic ribbon. I have been working on the top of the box, creating orange and purple stripes. Time was short this afternoon and the light was fading fast, but I managed to make a little progress. The stripes are starting to show up more clearly. By the time I finished working, it was getting too dark to take a photo in daylight, so I turned on the lights in the studio to take this picture. I like the way the little pieces of ribbon reflect the light from above. I call this project "Another Heart--Shaped Box" because it isn't my first. So if you want to see where this is headed, you can see a similar project that I already completed. Just follow this link:

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