Monday, May 04, 2015

Codfish Project (Digital Dress Rehearsal) May 1, 2015

I am decorating a wooden codfish cutout, to be donated to the Marblehead Arts Fest. (Fifty local artists are doing this.) I am using collaged tissue paper to decorate my fish, which will be silver with fuchsia and blue markings, and gold accents to suggest scales. By May 1, I had finished covering the wooden fish cutout with silver paper. I decided to do a digital dress rehearsal to figure out the placement of the pink and blue markings before trying it with "the real thing." So I opened a photo of my codfish in Painter and used some digital pastel to work out where I want the markings to be. Even though the colors are softer in this digital version, this is the general idea. I also tried out some gold accents on the fins.

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