Monday, December 12, 2016

Portrait of Us (Pencil Sketch as of Dec. 12, 2016)

This is the pencil sketch that I started yesterday, as a study for a double portrait that I am going to paint.  I am working from a vacation photo of a couple riding motor bikes on vacation in Greece, which is the reason for the helmets and sunglasses. I like to do pencil sketches to get to know the faces before I paint.  Even though the painting is a whole new start, I like to get familiar with the faces and work through the issues in pencil.  In this case, I am working through getting a likeness with facial information limited by helmets and sunglasses. I am also trying to work out how to indicate a sense of space between the two people, the two helmets.  I worked for about an hour today, and I think the likeness is getting a bit better.

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