Saturday, April 21, 2018

Shelli (Codfish Project) as of Apr. 21, 2018

This is Shelli, my codfish project.  I am decorating a wooden codfish cutout as part of a fundraiser for Marblehead Festival of Art.  About fifty area artists are decorating codfish, which will be displayed and then auctioned to raise money for the arts.  This year, my codfish will have seashells where you would expect to see scales.  Today I finally started painting the blue background (between the shells), using two teeny tiny brushes. I am using iridescent pearl paint, mixed with manganese blue.  The iridescent paint tends to clump, I think because it has tiny flecks of mica. So this is slow going, but I did manage to get a layer of blue down.  I expect I will need to go over it again, at least in places.  To be continued. . . .

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