Friday, March 29, 2019

Dancers (Painting as of March 29, 2019)

I continued work on this project today. The dual portrait I am painting is based on a photo of this couple.  Today I worked mainly on the man's face.  (Although the painting is 16 x 20, the faces are maybe 3 inches, so it is a bit of a struggle to get the facial details). I have been working toward greater accuracy for the man's features, but as I worked, the face was looking "too tight" and needed more light.  So today I worked on adding light to the man's face. I went over the face with pale colors, and tried to use looser brushstrokes, to match the style of the woman's face. I think that helped.  I made no other changes to the features except to bring the eyes in (toward the center) just a bit, maybe a 16th of an inch. But I think I am on the right track. To be continued. . .

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