Thursday, April 13, 2023

Rosa (Rough Sketch for a Pattern)

Once again, I am decorating a wooden codfish for the annual Cod Auction, to benefit Marblehead Festival of Arts. Some 50 artists participate, and everyone starts with a 'standard' wooden cutout.  The decorated codfish are displayed and then auctioned off in June. (The auction is online and people can bid from anywhere.)  This year, I am decorating my fish with lattice and "beach roses" (scientific name: rosa rugosa). So naturally, I have named my fish Rosa. I am still applying primer to the wooden codfish form, but yesterday I traced  the form onto a big piece of cardboard to lay out the design.  (See yesterday's post.)  Today, I worked out the design for the flowers.  I drew some lattice to scale on a piece of paper, using the dimensions worked out yesterday on the cardboard sketch.  Then I worked out the design and placement of the flowers. The design is simple, but the placement is a bit different in each of the four squares. Although the sketch is rough, it will work well for my purposes. 

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